
The Undying by Ronnell D. Porter
The Undying by Ronnell D. Porter

What made you choose e-publishing, and how has your road been thus far?Ī: Well I was nineteen years old, working my first job doing production for Kellogg’s, and had just finished BREAKING DAWN, I’m not if sure you’ve heard of it – it’s a niche book with a small following. You’ve been at this a while and have quite a few ebooks out. Q: I’m going to ask you about the tremendous break through you’ve had shortly, but I’ve love to start out asking about your first couple of years. Here’s more of his story and what his recent success means to him:

The Undying by Ronnell D. Porter

Porter is a young up-and-comer who writes fantasy and does his own cover art as well. Today we have another author who went from a couple of sales a day to as many as 100 by using the same tactic.

The Undying by Ronnell D. Porter The Undying by Ronnell D. Porter

The last indie author I interviewed was doing well for himself after deciding to give Book 1 in his series away for free on Amazon, B&N, etc.

The Undying by Ronnell D. Porter